Welcome to the 4Cs Tutoring Center, where we provide comprehensive one-on-one support in a wide range of academic subjects. Whether you need help with Science, Math, Accounting, Information Technology, Social Sciences, Business, English, Foreign Languages, or any other subject, our dedicated team of Professional Tutors and Peer Tutors is here to assist you.
Our Services: In-Person and Zoom Appointments
Additional Support Options
We are committed to empowering you on your academic journey and supporting your growth. Take advantage of the Tutoring Center's resources to enhance your understanding and achieve your educational goals.
Note: The Navigate appointment system is only active in the Fall and Spring semesters. Summer and Intersession tutoring must be requested directly by calling 774.330.4352 or emailing tutoringcenter@shushijia.net.
Students can schedule one appointment per week, per subject. The schedule allows for bookings up to three weeks in advance from the current date.
Click the link below for illustrated step-by-step instructions on scheduling appointments in Navigate.
How to Schedule Tutoring Center Appointments in Navigate
IN-PERSON APPOINTMENTS: Held in the Tutoring Center in Wilkens Library (Building 3), 1st Floor. (Except for AMT and Funeral Services Tutoring)
ZOOM APPOINTMENTS: Your tutor will email you a Zoom meeting invitation at the start time of your scheduled appointment to begin your tutoring session. Please have your 4Cs email open to receive the Zoom link and be prepared for your session with your questions and materials you want to review.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Please provide 24-hours' cancellation notice if you cannot attend your scheduled appointment. Cancel your appointment in NAVIGATE or contact the Tutoring Center at 774.330.4352 or email at tutoringcenter@shushijia.net
Multiple missed or late cancellation of appointments may result in restriction of your scheduling privileges for the remainder of the semester.
Spring Semester 2025 Hours:
January 27 - May 9, 2025
Appointment hours vary by subject. In-Person and Virtual (Zoom) availability.
Please check the Navigate appointment system on your My4Cs portal for the availability of your courses.
Location: Wilkens Library (Building 3), 1st Floor
Phone: 774.330.4352
Email: tutoringcenter@shushijia.net